Old way of trying to get a golf
game together
In the past, when you wanted to organize a foursome, the process would go something like this…
- Send out a text or email to 3 other people
- Wait for responses
- Answer questions
- Wait for the last person to respond
- Answer more questions
- Make a call or two, no answer
- Send another text.. HELLO.. Anyone there?
- Still waiting on the last member to respond
- Do you message others or continue to wait?
- Finally last guy says he didn’t hear his phone
- Last guys then says he can’t play
- Tee Time now is in 1 hour
- Scramble to find a fourth
- Too late, too many questions, slow response
- Now you are probably golfing with 3 instead of 4
- No time to get a fourth and you never know who the course might stick you with
- One sorry sap has to ride the cart by himself now or ride with the random guy the course stuck you with
Does all of this discombobulation, consternation and aggravation sound like your process? Never Fear, help is here… Read on..